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Annual Review

Tietoja tästä mallista

At the end of each whirlwind year, it’s hard to decipher where the last 365 days went. Complete an annual review to pause and consider how you spent your past year –– the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Use this Todoist template to review all the important aspects of your life: work, productivity, health, finances, relationships, and learning.

Tip: Use the task comments to add your answers to reflection prompts and review questions.

More resources: Read Fadeke's full guide to conducting your own annual review.


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Organize Your Finances

    Organize your personal finances using this template co-created with YNAB.


  • Organize Your Home

    Declutter and organize your home with a checklist for each and every room.


  • Organize Your Tasks

    Set up and stick to a system that tracks everything you need to get done.


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