A full list of all Todoist updates – from big improvements to obscure bug fixes – updated weekly. Made possible by your ideas and bug reports. Thank you! 🙏

Looking for just the big, exciting stuff? 👉 See all new features

May 23, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 Some completed tasks in the search results were being detected as uncompleted tasks when selected. No longer!
  • 🐛 Past reminders were still being shown in multiple places after being triggered, but Ricardo fixed that.
  • ⭐️ Now you can add task above and below in board view using the "More task actions" menu. Just make sure you don't have grouping or sorting enabled. 😉


  • ⭐ We're now showing the assignee avatars for relative reminders
  • 🐛 Olga took care of a few small calendar issues, including one where the indicator for busy days wasn't showing in the calendar date picker. Progress in our "year of the calendar" continues!


  • 🐛 We now allow for the selection of multiple projects with the same name in QuickAdd
  • ⭐️ Paul hooked it up so now the app can open the template gallery when the user taps on a link to a template category from the template page of our main site.
  • ⭐️ Just in case, we added the ability to assign tasks to yourself, even if you're in a single-user workspace. But we still think you should invite some friends to join you!
  • 🐛 Andris took on the challenge to improve search performance for accounts with a large number of items (as in more than 10,000). That little lag is a thing of a past.

May 16, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 In some scenarios, after editing a task without saving the changes, the discard button didn't work properly. Now it's functional.
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where the sidebar settings weren't able to be saved
  • Two "due" issues:
    • 🐛 Before, when due dates were set based on a fixed time zone, they might display the wrong value relative to the device's time zone in the task details modal and scheduler.
    • 🐛 A similar bug – when due dates were based on a fixed time zone, reopening the time popover in the scheduler changed the due date based on the time zone difference. Both of these bugs have been squashed.


  • ⭐ Allow manual sort in Upcoming
  • 🐛 📅 The calendar was showing a blank screen instead of week layout, which is much less useful, so we fixed that.
  • 🐛 📅 We also fixed the time display when changing timezones
  • 🐛 📅 And finally, we stopped the problem of losing the selected day or selected week index in calendar layouts

May 9, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛  Keyboard shortcuts will no longer trigger erroneously after creating subtasks in the task detail view. 
  • 🐛 Clicking on a project link inside a task in a filtered or date view now takes you to show the task in the project, guaranteeing that the sub-task where you clicked on is visible, even if its parent tasks were previously not expanded.
  • 🐛 Having multiple projects with the same name and selecting one from the inline project picker in the task editor could result in the wrong project being selected under special circumstances. This has now been fixed. Also, maybe don't use the exact same name? 😅
  • 🐛 The Calendar layout will no longer crash when loading a task with an invalid due date.
  • 🐛 In some scenarios, after editing a task without saving the changes, the discard button didn't work properly. This is no longer the case.


  • 🐛 When sharing an image while on WiFi we will now show a dialog offering to downsize it if its size is above 8MB. Before we only showed it on WiFi if it was over 20MB, which wasn't great for some users.
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue when sharing images between 15MB and 20MB; previously, the image-sharing was canceled in some cases due to memory issues. No longer!
  • 🐛  We fixed an issue with the scheduler view not showing when user taps the date button from Quick Add while Search is active
  • 🐛  We fixed a strange bug where the last character of a task wasn't being properly added from Quick Add. Tha wa ba, but now it's better!
  • 🐛 Fix bug where projects couldn't be selected from auto select menu when using Korean input. 기다려주셔서 감사합니다!
  • 🐛 When tapping save in Quick Add, if there are any Korean input tokens that haven't been finalized, finalize them, so we match the behavior of the Web version.
  • 🐛 Fix how filtering works with sub-items in projects in list view. Now we ignore the item hierarchy and include sub-items if they match filters, even if parent items are not included.


  • ⭐ Show avatar of reminder assignee in Item Details
  • ⭐ Support task reordering in today view with boards
  • 🐛 Fix template gallery category not being scrolled to automatically
  •  🐛 Lots of UI fixes in calendar week layout (still in Experimentalist, but these fixes mean progress is being made!)
  • 🐛 Fix Google Talkback not working on Reminders screen
  • 🐛 Fix crash in the Templates Gallery when no categories are received
  • 🐛 Fix pressing back after joining project; now it'll remember that you've joined the project and take you back to the Browse screen.

May 2, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 Rescheduling tasks from the calendar sidebar via. drag and drop no longer removes their due time, recurrence, or duration
  • 🐛 Recurring tasks now display correctly in the Calendar layout.


  • 🐛 Fix issue with user getting navigated away from Inbox tab and not being able to go back
  • 🐛Fix navigation on iOS - always open Inbox, Today, Upcoming in tab when navigating to it from URLs or icon-long-press shortcuts
  • ⭐️ Improve UX when searching for completed tasks by hiding search filtering buttons, since they don't affect the completed item search anyway


  • ⭐ Add support for template/setup deep links with localization
  • ⭐ Enable assigning tasks to any workspace collaborator 
  • ⭐ Mention the copy destination in the setup copy confirmation dialog
  • 🐛Fix login issue with Apple that sometimes occurred when MFA enabled
  • 🐛Fix task sorting when task contains only emoji ✅😉
  • 🐛Fix template gallery not scrolling to top on category change
  • 🐛 Fix template gallery category not being scrolled to automatically
  • 🐛Ignore links when sorting tasks
  • 🐛 Fix sorting text in Upcoming
  • 🐛Sort overdue tasks by date when manual sorting enabled
  • 🐛 Fix "assigned" filter query in workspace projects 
  • 🐛Fixed 3 occasional crashes: when getting formatted duration time,when loading calendar state, or when Google icon PNG caused problems – now it's a vector.

April 25, 2024

A pretty big release, everywhere: Setups in our Templates Gallery! Read more here: What's New

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 For a while there, if you tried to assign a task to yourself (using natural language) in an unshared workspace project, the +Me text wasn't highlighted and the assignment didn't happen. But we've fixed that, so now you can give yourself all the tasks you need! 
  • 🐛 In certain rare use cases, the first label wasn't auto-focused in the auto-complete editor dropdown when the user filtered the items. Now it's as it should be.


  • 🐛 We've stopped Todoist from automatically scrolling to the selected due date when the calendar picker is resized, or when the "due date" text input field is tapped. It also adds a scroll to the top button to return to the top of the calendar picker when a due date in the distant future is selected.
  • Some links were getting interpreted as dates when using quick-add in Japanese. No longer! 🙏
  • The reschedule button for the overdue tasks column wasn't always working properly when using board layout for a filter that included overdue tasks. Now it should be, so you can buy yourself that extra bit of time you undoubtedly deserve. 
  • We've fixed an odd little crash that was sometimes happening when using the keyboard shortcut for creating a new task, while in calendar layout, on an iPad.
  • We've fixed two issues with manual sorting, so you can fine tune things to your liking.


  • 🐛 First, we fixed a crash that happened when enabling/disabling drag and drop
  • 🐛 Then we fixed one that sometimes happened when rescheduling tasks from a collapsed overdue section
  • 🐛 We've sped up the loading of completed tasks in goal celebration sheet, so you can party more quickly!
  • 🐛 We fixed that thing where sometimes it was hard to switch the layout in your workspace projects, because flexibility is key!

April 18, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 Sequential keyboard shortcuts typed in quick succession didn't activate, needlessly punishing our swift-fingered users. This has now been fixed.
  • 🐛 Shared labels were not appearing in the task editor's labels suggestions list, but now they are. So you can once again work from the same label toolbox. 


  • 🐛 We fixed sorting on WatchOS app when a custom Grouping is selected, when viewing your task list from Inbox, Filters and Personal Labels
  • 🐛 The "Featured" category in "Templates Gallery" was not translated, but now it is. 
  • 🐛 We improved the Calendar picker by fixing an issue with a wrong day position after collapsing to the week layout on older iOS versions (pre-17.2). Now your days will display as they should. 
  • 🐛 We have a new explanation of how to access more filters – hint: upgrade – when users who are seeing value from them hit the limit.
  • 🐛 Reduce intermittent crashing that would sometimes occur under specific circumstances when looking at the items in List layout.


  • ⭐ We updated our Design System colors. 
  • 🐛 We fixed three types of pretty rare crashes. You probably never experienced them, and now you never will. 
  • 🐛 The Inbox icon somehow became red in the Quick add view. Now it’s back to its calming grey state.
  • 🐛 Fix showing "Add task" entry in board view for filters and labels

April 11, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • ⭐ Added multi-select drag-and-drop to Upcoming and Today views.
  • 🐛 fix: added Quick Add offline support in the Desktop Apps.


  • 🐛 In Today view, when manual sorting is enabled, sort overdue tasks by due date.
  • 🐛 We also fixed a bug where some Korean input was being prematurely finalized when a due date was detected.
  • 🐛 And we fixed a bunch of tiny date-related issues with the Calendar layout in Upcoming view that you probably didn’t notice, but still.


  • ⭐ We sped up the display of the workspace overview screen 🏎️
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where the current date disabled in reminder when the UTC date is in future.
  • 🐛 Fix jumpy bottom navigation bar so it stays put!
  • 🐛 Ignore emojis when sorting tasks by name (makes way more sense!).
  • 🐛 Fixed 3 types of rare weird crashes.
  • 🐛 Fixed dragging issue so things stay where you drag them.
  • 🐛 Fixed some rare instances of “false positives” when parsing due dates.

April 4, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • ⭐ Tasks in the Calendar layout now use the priority as the background color.
  • 🐛 Some task attributes pickers in the task editor (e.g., Due date, Priority, and Assignee) did not insert a natural language highlight like all the other pickers. Now they all behave consistently.
  • 🐛 Whenever you cancel the task editor with unsaved changes, we'll be sure you're reminded to save if you want to.
  • 🐛 But, in contrast to the above fix, a new,empty task editor does not ask if you want to discard changes... because there haven't been any. 
  • 🐛 The date picker in the upcoming view was not properly scrolling down the view to the selected date. Now it works as it should.
  • 🐛 The Natural language match highlighting for shared labels was not being added to the task name editor when picked from the Labels button. Now the highlighting is working again.


  • 🐛 You'll now see collaborator suggestions when sharing personal projects. Less typing? Yes please!


  • ⭐ You can now view our Privacy Policy right in the app (under "About us"), for ease of review.
  • 🐛 We noticed the background was way too pink when selecting durations in light theme. Now it's back to normal.
  • 🐛 The goal celebrations on tablets were taking up way too much screen. Now they're just the right size to encourage your progress!
  • 🐛 When you tap a template from the Template gallery, it'll now preview it right away, as it should.
  • 🐛 Fixed a weird crash that sometimes popped up in the Share Project screen
  • 🐛 Fixed a crash that happened in the Inbox in rare cases

March 28, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • ⭐ Now tasks in the Calendar layout are outlined and feature smaller text
  • 🐛The downloaded image from the weekly goal celebration sheet was not showing the correct weekly range. We've now fixed this by taking into account the start day and weekend set under Settings. We also fixed an issue preventing all completed tasks from showing up in the daily/weekly goal sheets
  • 🐛 The duration combobox in the scheduler popover could become quite empty with only the "No duration" option if an edge case criteria was met. This is no longer the case, and all the available durations show up again
  • 🐛 Make title bar on Win Desktop app fully draggable in fullscreen


  • 🐛 Fixed issue where the day list in the new Calendar Picker would unnecessarily scroll after swiping to expand on systems older than iOS 17.
  • ⭐ 🗓️ Added snapping to a full row after we stop scrolling so full weeks are always visible in the new Calendar Picker.
  • 🐛 Improve visibility for recurring reminders with accessibility voice over text in Quick Add and Task Details
  • ⭐ 🗓️ Scroll to the Overdue section (if there's one) in the Upcoming view after tapping the status bar or the Upcoming item on the tab bar. Before, it always scrolled to today, making it harder to navigate to the Overdue section.
  • 🐛 🗓️ Fixed crash on reordering a task to the end of the same day's section in the Upcoming view
  • 🐛 Fix titles of sections in duplicated project (it would previously prepend "Copy of " to section names
  • 🐛 Fixed bug where filtering by label doesn't properly apply if all labels are selected as filter input.
  • 🐛 project count wrong when filtering joined/not joined with collapsed folders 
  • Show the template type in the cards of the "Templates Gallery".
  • ⭐ 🗓️ Add haptic feedback when expanding/collapsing Calendar picker to make the interaction even more delightful.
  • ⭐ 🗓️ When the Calendar picker is expanded, if the chosen date is already displayed, the picker won't jump or reset its position after scrolling to another day via the task list.
  • 🐛 🗓️ Restored pointer interaction to the day buttons on iPad in the Calendar picker
  • 🐛 🗓️ To ensure readability of the Calendar picker in larger text sizes, we restored the large content support to the day buttons in the Calendar picker and added support to the "Today" button
  • ⭐ 🗓️ Hide "Today" button when we're already viewing tasks for today
  • 🐛 When viewing a project in a widget you'll now see the same items you would if you were viewing the project in the app. Prior to this change, widgets would show all the items in a project, ignoring any filters. Now the widget applies any filters that have been set on the project in the app 


  • ⭐ Show 2 templates in Featured instead of 3
  • 🐛 Fix Quick Add crashing due to untimely focus updates
  • 🐛 Fix Today being highlighted in date picker in Upcoming after adding a task
  • 🐛 Fix app crashing when it's reopened on the Weekly Karma page
  • 🐛 Fix copying link to newly-created tasks
  • 🐛 Fix crashing in inbox when Calendar layout enabled
  • 🐛 Fix crash that sometimes happened when creating a comment wakes up the app
  • 🐛 Fix crash when showing Quick Add autocomplete popup
  • 🐛 Allow editing of filters/labels even when limit is reached
  • 🐛 Fix opening urls for personal workspace content, avoiding duplication or other odd behavior
  • 🐛 Fix wrong profile data after reopening the Productivity screen
  • ⭐ Update Template Gallery to enhance ability to explore categories with a click
  • 🐛 Use correct default sorter for tasks within groupings

March 21, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • ⭐ Previously, the calendar layout would always show a month view with 6 weeks. Now, it will show 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month.
  • 🐛 Do you have lots and lots of projects? Adding tasks got a bit slow? We've improved that for you 🏎️
  • 🐛 Tooltips on the sidebar navigation links now appear on the right, so they don't obstruct your view of those same navigation links.
  • ⭐ The calendar navigation in the Upcoming list view was updated to a new (lovelier) design.


  • 🐛 Disable iPhone Widgets on macOS (to prioritize more comprehensive development)
  • 🐛 Improve visibility for recurring reminders in Quick Add, Task Details and Reminders screen. Before, recurring reminders were only indicated on the Reminders screen, with a description of the recurring period. But now, a recurring icon will appear next to recurring reminders in wherever they are displayed.
  • 🐛 Add selected color text description next to color icon when adding or editing projects, filters, and labels 
  • ⭐ Add support for sharing feedback about Todoist by tapping and holding on the icon on the Home Screen.


  • Use shortcuts in Reminder Highlights from autocomplete
  • 🐛Fix crashes that popped up occasionally when creating labels
  • 🐛Fix duplicate reminders when using the reminder symbol(!)
  • 🐛Use the selected day as the due date in Quick Add in upcoming/calendar view
  • ⭐ Preload joined workspace projects in the workspace overview screen
  • 🐛 Fix the reminders count showing the  wrong number after removing reminders
  • 🐛 Fix toast message when reordering tasks within single day
  • 🐛 Request notifications permission for Wear app on Android 13+

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 Preserve active task button focus state when performing actions in the multi-select toolbar through keyboard shortcuts.
  • ⭐ We've given the Upcoming view headers a stylistic update. 💅
  • 🐛 You can now assign due times and durations to multiple tasks at once. Any existing recurring due dates and times will be preserved.
  • ⭐ In the Calendar layout, future instances of recurring tasks are hidden by default, but can be shown through a setting in the View Options Menu.
  • 🐛 Elements, such as links or buttons, in the task popover that appears in Calendar view when hovering tasks in day cells of the Calendar view were not interactive. This has now been fixed.
  • 🐛 The popover that appears when clicking the "N more" link in days cells of the Calendar view gets cut off when rendered close to the calendar edges. This is no longer the case.
  • 🐛 Creating sub-tasks in task lists is no longer saving the task at the root, but under the appropriate parent task, as expected.


  • 🧪 Calendar date picker can be now expanded and collapsed with gestures.
  • 🧪 Calendar date picker - on swiping horizontally to change the week, a matching weekday will be selected. Previously, the selection wasn’t changed.
  • 🧪 Calendar date picker - the transitions between week and month layouts are now animated for a smoother experience.
  • ⭐ Add support for filtering and sorting to the Upcoming view
  • 🧪 Fixed month capitalization in the the new calendar picker
  • ⭐ Apply filtering and sorting in the Upcoming view on the watch
  • 🐛 Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when rearranging tasks in Today while in board view style
  • 🐛 It was sometimes possible to select past dates in scheduler, this change fixes it


  • ⭐ Add view options (sorting, filtering) to Upcoming
  • ⭐ Show a success message after copying a project from a template
  • 🐛 Fix overlapping text in Wear authentication screen
  • 🐛 Fix sticky headers in task list
  • 🐛 Fix task count for complex filters
  • 🐛 Move Snackbar action to a new line if message is long
  • ⭐ Show role picker options based on user workspace role
  • 🐛 Fix twitchy quick add when showing undo snackbar from widge
  • ⭐ Add Featured and New to the template gallery
  • ⭐ Change "All templates" copy to "Featured" in template gallery
  • 🐛 Fix issue of inviting people beyond project's collaborator limit
  • 🐛 Fix sticky header offset in Upcoming view

Note: We previously had a gap in changelog transmission (since November), but now we're back!

Below you'll find the changes - with a heavy focus on bug-squashing - from February 2024 onward, and you'll now see weekly updates here (above) again. 

March 7, 2024

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • 🐛 Multi-selection for uncompleted and completed tasks in the text-based search view was not working correctly. This is now fixed.
  • 🐛 Keyboard shortcuts were being applied to the parent task, even if sub-tasks were selected. This is no longer the case.
  • 🐛 Sometimes our Quick Add would fail to add a task. That is now fixed.
  • 🐛 Previously, it was not possible to remove the due date from a task by clicking the No Date button in the scheduler. Now this is fixed.
  • 🐛 Having multiple projects with the same name and selecting one from the project picker in the task editor could result in the wrong project being selected under special circumstances. This has now been fixed.
  • 🐛 Resizing the left side menu (sidebar) would reset the scroll position to the top. This is fixed.
  • 🐛 Sort favorites how they appear in sidebar.
  • ⭐ You can now schedule tasks via drag and drop in the calendar layout in Filter and Label views.
  • ⭐ Open Quick Add bar in Desktop instead of embedded web app (not available in Linux).


  • 🐛 Position Add task button in board view correctly even when the board column is empty.
  • 🐛 Remove option to complete an un-completable task from a Notification.
  • 🐛 Fix bug that sometimes happened when dragging Add task button in board view to the top of a column to insert task there - sometimes it would not create the task in the chosen spot. 
  • 🐛 Fix issue where "My Projects" selection wouldn't work on iOS side.
  • 🐛 Fix issue in Project with calendar layout where dragging and dropping a task would sometimes result in a crash when custom sorting was enabled.
  • ⭐ Update the “Today” button tint above the day picker to make it more apparent when it's active.
  • 🐛 Make multi-edit menu and action bar consistent with other platforms.
  • 🐛 Make sure item completion sounds play when silent switch is Off and don't play when it's On which would previously sometimes get a bit broken if users would use audio comments and their recording.
  • 🐛 Allowing the user to add tasks with the dynamic button in all view option cases besides grouping and item sorting.
  • 🐛 Fix the Moonstone theme not working properly.
  • 🐛 Improve how we handle item uncompletion for items that user finds via search - makes uncompletion possible also when partially offline or on a flaky network.
  • 🐛 Fix a crash when scrolling to bottom in calendar.
  • 🐛 Fix an issue where users can select out-of-range dates in calendar.
  • 🐛 Add filtering by due date to Filter views.
  • 🐛 Use "Layout" instead of "View" when referring to layout in View Options.
  • 🐛 Manual sorting in Today section would sometimes stop working, this PR fixes it.
  • 🐛 Improve performance of widgets on iOS by actively reducing consumed memory.
  • 🐛 Fix issue with "Add section" action crashing in calendar layout by removing the action. (Calendar layout has its own day-based grouping and we don't support this action for other cases when there's custom grouping.)
  • ⭐ Prepend "Copy of " when duplicating a section.
  • 🐛 Fix bug where Todoist would interrupt audio of other apps (like Spotify) on the first click of task completion.
  • ⭐ Remove "task" from some of activity log entries like "You added a description to task {task name}: {description}"


  • 🐛 Fix: Don't freeze sync in background
  • 🐛 Fix missing item description in grouping
  • 🐛 Fix possible sync issues due to multiple sync in background
  • 🐛 Increase tap area for "more options" button 
  • ⭐ Change today icon tint to make it more visible
  • ⭐ Update launcher icons
  • 🐛 Fix adding automatic reminders on Wear
  • 🐛 Fix search for tasks that contain Filterist keywords
  • 🐛 Make "Sync last completed" settings entry more reliable
  • 🐛 Fix Google login in some cases on Android 14
  • 🐛 Fix date content description in Scheduler
  • 🐛 Fix duplicating "#" on Samsung
  • 🐛 Fix loading of project preview
  • 🐛 Fix menu when multiple tasks selected
  • 🐛Fix Reminders suggestion popup width and offset
  • 🐛Fix tapping browse from a project scrolls back to top of Project list
  • Add support for the Board style in the Template Project preview screen
  • Color the complete checkbox based on priority in the Template Task
  • Show the priority row in the Template Task preview screen
  • 🐛Fix Samsung keyboard issues
  • 🐛Fix Template Preview returns back to Home instead of Gallery screen
  • 🐛Fix multiple item rescheduling advancing dates incorrectly
  • 🐛Fix search field in Move To bottom sheet when font size is large
  • 🐛Fix the navigation bar overlapping the "add shortcut" bottom sheet
  • 🐛Fix visible checkbox for uncompletable task in the template preview
  • 🐛Fix visible icon for task w/o description in the template preview
  • 🐛Show due date in the Template Task preview screen
  • Update quick add highlight background color
  • 🐛Fix banner overlapping bottom navigation view in some cases
  • 🐛Fix dates not being parsed again after reverting last highlight
  • 🐛Fix not deleting reminders automatically
  • Show sub items in the Item Details template preview screen
  • 🐛Ensure workspace invite is only sent to users not in the workspace
  • 🐛Fix adding label when editing task
  • 🐛Fix crash when starting page is team inbox
  • 🐛Fix login with Google when device cannot find credentials
  • 🐛Fix not having "select tasks" menu item in Upcoming
  • 🐛Fix parsing space correctly after reminder highlight
  • 🐛Fix some issues with displaying task data in list
  • ⭐ Support for gallery templates deep links
  • 🐛 Avoid asking for permission when automatic reminders are disabled
  • 🐛 Fix incorrect title after rotation in the Project Preview screen
  • 🐛 Fix crashing issue in search

Nov 23, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Todoist has been revamped with a fresh, simplified layout! The cleaner look and feel will help you focus on what matters – completing meaningful tasks and making the most of your day. Learn more about the new layout.
  • You can now see if (and how many) sort or filter options are applied to your view, by looking at the number that appears next to the View icon at the top-right. (All the ways to sort or group tasks in Todoist.)
  • You may have encountered some delays when showing completed tasks in your views. This will no longer be a problem.
  • A connection alert will now appear below Quick Find’s input field if there's something wrong with your connection to our servers.
  • Deleting completed tasks from the search results page wasn’t working properly. That’s been fixed.
  • After a recent update, our magical filter engine could no longer recognize “next weekday” in a filter query. Abracadabra, it can now.
  • After moving a task, the sidebar will no longer become unresponsive when you click on the project link in the pop-up at the bottom of your screen.
  • If a search yields no results, we’ll no longer tease you with the option to “Show more results” (because there aren’t any). Now, you’ll see the option to immediately search for completed tasks instead.


  • Navigating Todoist is now easier with the newly introduced simplified layout and navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. This is how it works.
  • It’s now also possible to view filters and labels in the board layout. To change the layout, tap the three dots icon, select View, and tap the Board icon. Then, group tasks by project, priority, label, or other attributes to see your filtered tasks arranged in columns.
  • If you’ve set your Todoist to Korean, you’ll be happy to know that it’s now possible to set a task duration in Korean using natural language in Quick Add.


  • Explore Todoist with ease thanks to the fresh, simplified layout and the addition of a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Here's a quick run-through.
  • We've resolved an issue that was causing glitchy behavior in the view options. Now, filter by assignee and the Reset all button are running smoothly again.
  • After a recent update, setting a task duration wasn’t possible in some languages … because the OK button was missing. It’s back now.

Explore the other known issues that are still in our pipeline.

Nov 16, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Thanks to some tweaking, tasks with long descriptions or comments are now printed properly across multiple pages.
  • Clicking the X icon to remove an assignee from the task details was an impossible task. Not anymore.
  • Recently, completed tasks started appearing in the wrong order. They’re now shown in the correct chronological order again (most recently completed at the top).
  • You can now also select multiple completed tasks and delete them from the toolbar or context menu. (Tip: To select multiple tasks, hold down Ctrl or Cmd and click the task names.)
  • Before in board layout, moving multiple tasks from one column to another didn't always work if you needed to scroll. Now, it does.
  • We get it: sometimes, a timely reminder is not what you need right now. So now it’s possible to snooze reminder notifications. (Soon also available on macOS.)
  • When you copy a comment that includes a @ mention of a person, the mentioned tag will now remain intact upon pasting into a new comment.
  • Thanks to a bug fix, attachments will no longer vanish when you edit a comment.
  • We also solved some other issues with attachments in comments. Before, when editing a comment, attachments couldn’t be added, removed, or even seen. That’s all fixed now.


  • Quick Add shortcuts weren’t working properly in Korean. Thanks to some language lessons and tweaking, they are now. (If you want to refresh your memory, here’s a list of all the shortcuts in Quick Add.)

Check out some of the other known issues that are currently on our radar.

Nov 9, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Labels for completed sub-tasks weren’t always displayed properly, but they are now.
  • In some cases, user avatars would appear disproportionally large (like, really huge). Now they’re back to their normal size.
  • We fixed an issue that caused "Sync last completed:" to show "unknown.”
  • When grouping tasks by label, the order of the groups once again follows the order of the labels in the label list.
  • Thanks to a bug fix, you can now scroll down when viewing filters in the board layout. (Did you know we rolled out board layout for filters and labels last week?)


  • We’ve cleaned up the Quick Find screen ("Search") and removed some unnecessary elements (like task counts). Now, with room to display more recently viewed items, finding your common lookups is even faster.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash after opening the Productivity view.
  • We also said bye-bye to a bug that caused Todoist on Wear OS to crash. 👋
  • Accidentally completed a task in Todoist in the Noir theme? No worries, now that the UNDO button is visible again.

Nov 2, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Great news if you’re a fan of custom filter views: Filters and labels can now also be viewed in board layout! Check out Amir’s video, in which he shows how to get a better overview of your filtered tasks with boards. (Looking for inspiration? Here are 24 custom views that you can create with filters.)
  • We changed the height of the toolbar for editing multiple tasks to one line, so it takes less space.
  • Thanks to some language lessons and tweaking, it’s now possible to set a task duration in Korean using natural language in Quick Add.
  • Sometimes when creating or editing a filter, the dialog would close unexpectedly. That’s now fixed.
  • Create multiple tasks by pasting multi-line text, and Todoist will once again recognize task details, like priority and due date. Plus, automatic reminders are now added correctly (if you’ve set these up in Settings).
  • If you’re on the free plan, it’s once again possible to remove a task’s due time in the scheduler. (You can also now remove a task’s duration if it has one).
  • Thanks to some tinkering, the emoji picker is running smoothly again. 🎉


  • We squashed a nasty bug that caused the app to crash after launching.
  • A few visual touch-ups to keep Todoist looking its best.


  • Remember those tweaks we did last week to ensure that task attribute icons are no longer cut off by long project or section names? Well, that caused labels to disappear. 🙈 Labels are now visible again, but we’ll continue working on those attribute icons. To be continued.

Take a look at the known issues for a list of other bugs we're hoping to squash soon.

Oct 26, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • When pressing the shortcut T to set a due date, the scheduler sometimes appeared off-screen, making it difficult to select a future date. We made sure that the scheduler is now always positioned on screen.
  • Thanks to some tweaks, adding a task to Todoist from our Quick Add browser extensions is now much, much faster. (You can download Todoist for your browser here.)
  • It is once again possible to connect Todoist to your Facebook account.
  • We squashed a bug that caused recurring tasks to disappear when they were completed in a different language (e.g., in a browser set to a different language or by a collaborator that uses Todoist in a different language).
  • We’ve done some tweaking on drag & drop to make sure that projects are dropped in the right place.
  • When rescheduling a task with a due time, the automatic reminder will now also be set accordingly.


  • Now also on iOS, changing your project’s layout just got one tap faster with a new and improved interface. Go to the project menu via the three dots icon in the top-right, select View, and tap the List or Board icon to select the desired layout.
  • When setting a due time, the time zone section was temporarily invisible. It’s back now.


  • If you use a password manager on your device, you can now also use its autofill function to enter the code for two-factor authentication. (Have you enabled two-factor authentication yet?)
  • It’s now easier to delete labels or filters: When viewing a label/filter, tap the three dots icon in the top-right corner and select Delete.
  • A task’s duration will now also be copied when you duplicate the task.
  • We’ve done some tweaks to ensure that task attribute icons are no longer cut off if you have a long project or section name.
  • Links to a section of a project are working properly now.
  • We accidentally made the divider lines in widgets way too dark. They’re back to their correct color.
  • All text is again visible in Dark mode now that it’s displayed in the right color.

Oct 19, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • After taking it out for a spin, we’ve decided to relocate the toolbar for editing multiple tasks to the top. Thanks for your feedback!
  • We’ve fixed some scrolling issues that occurred in Upcoming when using the board layout.
  • The layout of reminder notifications has been updated. Now, the task name is placed front and center, and the notification includes the reminder time. It’ll make reading reminders at a glance easier, so you don’t lose time deciphering them. (Learn more about reminders)
  • Thanks to some tweaks, selecting and editing multiple sub-tasks when you’re in the task view is now also possible.


  • When recording audio comments in tasks with Todoist in the Sunflower theme, you'll now have a clear view of the Cancel and Attach buttons. (This is how to record audio comments in tasks.)
  • A task’s duration will now also be copied when you duplicate a task.


  • If you have a Samsung device, you’ll be happy to know that your device’s predictive text feature will no longer interfere with creating tasks in Todoist.
  • We’ve resolved an issue on Xiaomi devices where the app would occasionally crash when typing.

Find out about other known issues our team is working on.

Oct 12, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Your long task lists in Todoist will now load faster and scroll smoother thanks to a nifty little update called list "virtualization." Basically, this means we only load the tasks you can see on your screen. (Tell me more about those virtualized lists.)
  • We’ve made some fixes to task durations to make sure they no longer disappear when you unhighlight a date in the task’s name.
  • At times Todoist on web could get stuck on the loading screen. That's now fixed.


Oct 5, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • Changing your project’s layout just got one click faster with a new and improved interface. ✨ (Check out the charming new icons.)
  • Thanks to a bug fix, you’ll no longer see the incorrect “label already exists” message when you rename your label from lower to uppercase.


  • On iOS, you now also have the option to permanently display the completed tasks of a project. Go to the project menu via the three dots icon and tap Show Completed Tasks to take a look at your “to-done” list. (Settings will sync across devices and in shared projects.)

Go to our known issues to see other bugs our team is currently working on.

Sep 28, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • We’ve redesigned the toolbar for editing multiple tasks and moved it to the bottom of your screen for easy access. Watch Amir’s quick demo of the new design.
  • It is now also possible to assign durations to multiple tasks at once. (ICYMI, task durations are now available on our paid plans!)
  • Reloading the web app is now even quicker, thanks to some under-the-hood changes to the way we release updates (they’re now released 50x faster!) 🚀


  • Your tasks will now also appear in the correct order in widgets and on your Apple Watch.
  • We fixed an issue where long text was cut off in the Settings menu, making it hard to read in certain languages.
  • After some reconfiguration, complex filter views will now take less time to load in widgets.
  • We did some tweaking to make sure you can no longer complete an uncompletable task in the interactive widgets on iOS 17. (More about uncompletable tasks.)
  • Thanks to a bug fix, moving tasks to a different project using the search field is working once again.

Sep 21, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • You can now choose to display the completed tasks of a project permanently. Go to the project’s view options (the View icon at the top-right) to select if you want to show (or hide) completed tasks. Your settings will sync across devices and – for shared projects – between teammates. (Here are more ways to keep track of your “to-done” list).
  • Thanks to some tweaks to reminder notifications on macOS, clicking on a notification will now open the task in Todoist. Plus, the Complete button will now … well, complete the task. ✅
  • To copy the link to a task, you can now use the keyboard shortcut Shift ⇧ + Cmd ⌘ + C or Shift + Ctrl + C. (Save time in Todoist with this complete list of keyboard shortcuts.)
  • Updating your time zone settings is now much clearer, thanks to some refining and rewriting.



  • You can now choose to display the completed tasks of a project permanently. To show/hide completed tasks, go to the project menu (tap the three dots icon) and select View. Your settings will sync across devices and – for shared projects – between teammates. (Here are more ways to keep track of your “to-done” list.)

Find out about other known issues our team is working on.

Sep 14, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • In our never-ending quest to simplify Todoist and speed up your workflows, we’ve unified traditional search and our (rather hidden) command menu into one Quick Find bar. Consider it your central hub for finding, navigating to, and doing anything in Todoist – without lifting a finger from your keyboard. Just type Cmd/Ctrl + K, and off you go. 🚀
  • Never lose a comment with our new comment editor. From now on, closing a task won't discard your unsent comments. Instead, they'll be saved as drafts so you can finish and send them at your convenience. Plus, clicking outside the comment field will no longer dismiss the comment you’re working on. There's now a Cancel button for that.
  • Drag & drop keeps getting better and better: You can now also drop tasks into collapsed project sections.
  • When you write dates within code blocks in Quick Add, they will no longer convert into due dates.
  • Printing wasn’t working correctly on the activity log with filters enabled, but now things are back to normal. (Learn how to print your tasks.)
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused an error to appear when you dragged a task out of the Overdue section in the Today view.
  • Thanks to some multilingual fine-tuning, our Quick Add in French, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian no longer confuses task durations for due dates. (Did you know Todoist is available in a variety of languages?)


  • To change the language of your app, you now have to go to your device's Settings app (here’s how).
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused the Quick Add button to disappear after you viewed an archived project.

Take a look at some of the known issues we're currently working on.

Sep 7, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • We accidentally removed the globe icon in the scheduler for tasks with a fixed time – it’s back now. (🌏 Tip: Do you collaborate with people across the globe? A fixed time ensures the due time of your task stays the same regardless of your time zone. Learn more.)
  • From now on, when you upload multiple files and one file exceeds the size limit, we’ll only remove that file and make sure the rest gets uploaded as you intended.
  • See your teammate’s avatar photo appear instantly after assigning multiple tasks at once. (Try these batch actions to manage your tasks more efficiently.)
  • Reschedule a task, and you can now jump directly to the new date in the Upcoming view. Just click on the date in the pop-up at the bottom of your screen.

Want to know if we’re working on that pesky bug you've been encountering? Take a look at some of the known issues.

Aug 31, 2023

New in Todoist: ✨ task durations ✨

Daily planning just got a lot easier now that we’ve released task durations in Todoist! Learn more about this much-requested feature.

Bugs and improvements

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

Check out some of the known issues we're currently working on.

Aug 24, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • While setting reminders, scrolling through the time options with the and arrow keys now actually allows you to select a time for your reminder instead of navigating to a different task in the list.
  • Your recent activities are looking a lot prettier now that Markdown formatting is displayed properly in the activity log.✨

Find out about other known issues our team is working on.

Aug 17, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • You can now turn off the daily/weekly goal celebration pop-up entirely from the Productivity tab in your Settings.
  • In a customized sidebar, the dragging and dropping of projects wasn’t always working properly. That’s been fixed. (In case you missed it, you can decide what shows up in your sidebar.)

Take a look at the known issues for a list of bugs with fixes in the works.

Aug 10, 2023

Web, macOS, Windows, Linux

  • You can again use ctrl/cmd + click to open links that point to other Todoist tasks in a new tab rather than annoyingly taking over the tab with the original task.
  • The "No Due" suggestion in the task details due date picker will now remove the due date like you would expect.
  • It was momentarily not possible to re-enable smart date recognition after disabling it. Now if you find you miss auto-detected due dates, you can feel free to change your mind. (A reminder that you can also easily “undetect” due dates in task names on a case-by-case basis for when you want to write a monthly report and not have it automatically schedule for the first of every month, for example.)
  • For some rare filters, the preview in the new Filter Assist would display no tasks when, in fact, tasks existed. Or would display different tasks than the actual task view. The Filter Assist preview now matches what the filter will actually show. (Uhhh, what’s Filter Assist again?)
  • Task Quick Add shortcuts weren’t correctly displaying projects and labels with certain emojis in the name (e.g., 9️⃣ and *️⃣). We no longer discriminate based on emoji. Even the really weird ones. You do you.

Don't see the very bad bug that you keep running into? Here are the known issues we're working hard to fix.