Kaikki mallit

Class Planning

Tietoja tästä mallista

For students, school starts on the first day of the new semester. For teachers, your work started months before. You’ve been preparing reference material, presentations, guest speakers, homework, tests and the rest.

Use this template to keep your class plan organized. Add tasks for each lesson. Attach important documents and links to each task. Keep track of your quizzes. Check tasks off for every lesson. Set due dates and sync with your favorite calendar tool and you’ll be able to see each lesson on your calendar.

Happy teaching!

Tip: Get a few more tips in the Educator’s Guide to Todoist


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Language Learning

    Set a goal, pick a method, and create a habit of learning a new language.


  • Student Project

    Share this project with your classmates and make your way towards an A.


  • Student Planning

    Never forget a single reading or assignment with this handy checklist for organizing each course.


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