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Goal Tracker

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Have you ever set goals and forgotten them a few weeks, or even days later?

This goal tracker template will keep you on track by connecting your high-level goals with your daily actions. It gives you a bird’s-eye view of your priorities at any given time throughout the year so your goals feel just as relevant weeks or months from now.

Use the template to keep track of your progress, adapt your goals to your circumstances, and figure out what you should truly prioritize to hit your target.


Writer & Editor at Todoist

Liknande mallar

  • Weekly Review

    Start reviewing your tasks every week with this GTD-friendly checklist.


  • Project Tracker

    A central, organized place to keep track of every step in your project, from organizing your ideas to measuring results.


  • Meeting Agenda

    Waste less time in meetings, ensuring they're efficient and action-oriented.


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